Cogitate Incorporated is on Manta!

We are proud to announce that we now have a profile on the corporate growth website Manta.

You can check out our Manta profile here:

If you are interested in what Manta has to offer your business, you can visit them at to learn more.

Do you have any success stories from using the Manta platform? If so, feel free to leave a comment below this post.

Cogitate chooses Online Tech to host 9G Backup

In 2012, we made the key decision to move our 9G Backup servers to Online Tech’s datacenter in Ann Arbor Michigan. We decided to partner with Online Tech because they are one of the only datacenters in Michigan that are HIPAA HI-TECH compliant, and since 9G Backup is HIPAA HI-TECH compliant; we needed a datacenter that was as well.

You can read more about the partnership between Cogitate Inc and Online Tech here:


If you are the type to just watch a video instead of read an article, you can watch the video which accompanied the article here:

Cogitate Incorporated is an accredited BBB business

Take a look at our BBB profile at the following link:

Cogitate, Inc. Review – Data Recovery in , – BBB Business Review – BBB serving Southfield, Serving Detroit, Eastern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula.

Cogitate has been a BBB accredited business since 2011, and we plan to continue our relationship with the Better Business Bureau for many years to come.